Monday, July 21, 2008

Aging in such matter.....

This is in regards to Renee's blog....i totally feel like i haven't accomplished anything but at the same time i have and the age i really feel is well would it be weird to say I've always felt older than i should be. I guess that comes with my positon in my family. Since I'm the middle child no one really pays attention to what i am doing. hence when i got my nose piercing my dad didn't notice till my bro pointed it. I also didn't even get in trouble when my grandparents saw it. So it kinda proves my point. I don't know why it works out that way but i think it helped me become the person i am today. it's taught me what i want and what i don't want. I pondered about this the other day and i notice that i wasn't the person i was 2 yrs ago. i actually like the person i am becoming...I'm still getting use to it but i think I'm turning in to someone who is great for myself that is yes i like growing all i hope is that when i get older, i can influence those who look up to me i can make a great impression for them.

Along with that news...I'm moving back to Sacramento....yes so sad but at the same time i am happy cus i will be saving money. San Jose was great but at the same time putting a hole in my pocket. It was so hard to deal with the way i was living....i would rather just come back home save some money and be able to do whatever i was when i wanted to....people keep telling me that its gonna be different because ill be living back at home with rules...sure there will be but at the same time i know how to work my parents where they can't really get on my case for doing the things i do. I have the upper hand because unlike some people who are living at home i am independent and making my own money. i wont be spending money that is not mine ( my parents) and i have a job and go to school full time so what could i possible do that doesn't justify why i cant have some fun when i do go out or treat myself for whatever reason i may have. after all I'm looking at the bigger picture here saving money to come back out to the bay and being with my family cus as much as they get under my skin sometimes....I LOVE EM'!!!!

Then some good news thas happening in my little bubble of a life, I am officially "talking" to someone i think....well we are just taking it slow and seeing how things work out for feels good. I've been alone for about 3 yrs now and even though there have been guys in and out of my life i think about how i would like to be the person who i come to mind when they think about something. i kinda want to be their #1 and feel special. maybe I'm living in a fairy tale but i know relationships aren't always peachy keen. There are the ups and downs, but it would be really nice to find someone who can deal with me when I'm at my worst and being the biggest BITCH and someone to deal with me when i have moment i want to share whether it be a blonde moment to sharing a A+ on a I'm a sucker for love...i mean like....i don't like love I'm not comfortable with that word yet....but i guess i feel this was is because when i look at Renee and AJ it makes me feel so sad that i don't have what they have someone to call their own. You guys don't do much when I'm around but i sure bet that it feels good to share every good or bad moment with each other cus you know at the end of a hard and critical day you have each other to comfortnd support. Another couple i look at is my sister....I'm happy about how everything turned out even if she ran away and what happen happened... i still love her...and i wouldn't want to think about how Cyan would never come into our lives. above that I'm glad that my brother-in-law take great care of sister is so happy and so is he. i can tell that they love each other and i can see that they will make it through whatever obstacle they come across..i want a love like that....i don't think you can truely find something like that without suffering and also suffering makes you see what you have and the greatness that comes out of only hope is that i find someone like that...I've also notice I'm a complicated person too so i don't know who will be up for the challenge.

So yeah i notice this is a long blog and I'm think I'm about to chill i will be back soon....


dnLdreams said...

Hi Val! So, a couple of things:

Great post! Lots to read and so much more to digest. All very interesting, fun, and thought-provoking.

I am a middle-child, too, and as much as we may feel as if we do not get attention, people around you do notice it. I am sure that your parents try to act as if they are not affected by your outbursts for attention--such as the nose piercing--because they know that you're a wild spirit. If they try to tell you that you did a bad thing or that they don't like it, it wouldn't matter to you because you already know what you want. You are living your life and this is how you're going to do it. They don't want to see you get pissed off and run away if they tell you something you did was bad. So they accept what you are becoming and let you do it the way you want to. This is good. Embrace it!

Another thing, relationships take time and effort. It's not easy and even though it may seem like A.J. and I get a long fine, we work hard at it everyday. Either one of us may just fly off the handle bars from time to time, but we don't just give up on each other, we work it out. In the end, what we remember are not the arguments--I can hardly remember them--we remember the good times. However, that doesn't mean we only had good times. So, in any relationship that you "jump" into, just know that if you really find a genuine interest in the person you are with, stick it out and working through it. Otherwise, just keep moving on. If you can't see yourself being with someone long-term, don't sweat it. There are always people waiting to find the perfect person.

MirandaRocksurWorld said...

val was talking about leena and amanda but what about kevin. lol

MirandaRocksurWorld said...

sorry not amanda. i saw Aj and wrote amanda. i mean Aj and Renee. and not about amanda or kevin =]